Why We Switched To Billing Our Members Weekly Over Monthly

Here Are 6 Reasons Why We Switched To Billing Bi-Weekly Instead Of Monthly:

1. “Lower” Pricing: It allows us to show a lower price to potential members. This makes it easier for them to justify the membership in their budgets.

2. Convenience for members: We found that members like to pay more often because it's easier for them to budget their money.

3. Increased revenue: Charging members every two weeks helped us make more money. This is because we get payments more often. Instead of 12 monthly payments on the year, we received 26 payments on the year. (Ex: 12 payments of $70 = $840. 26 payments of $35 = $910)

4. Impact From Small Price Increases: When it’s time to raise prices by small increments, you make bigger gains.(Ex. When you increase prices by $3 for month, you’re only gonna add on $36 per member for the year. But, when you increase prices bi-weekly by $3, you add on $78 per member for the year,)

5. Reduced risk of chargebacks: We experience less charge backs since our members are making smaller payments. This makes it more manageable for them.

6. Freeze Payment Policy: It’s easier if you have a freeze payment policy because it allows you to freeze just a couple of weeks vs an entire month.

And the beauty of this is it didn't require a big change in our business.

Just a small tweak in how frequently we billed our members.

And all the benefits came above!

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Hope this helps your gym business!
